Tuesday, 28 February 2023

This is the Day

Today the colours seem more clear
than they usually are round here.
The lime green shade of ivy leaves,
emerald tones deep in the trees.
Hawthorn berries, glowing red
while pure white snowdrops raise their head.

Today I realised I heard
songs of many different birds
A collared dove calls out its name
I hear a chiffchaff do the same,
the 'electronics' of the starling
a blackbird's voice, so clear and sparkling.

Today I opened up my eyes
and saw cotton wool cumulus floating by,
cirrus streaks on azure blue,
contrails of aircraft passing through.
I don't know what broke the spell.
Today I noticed I feel well.

(Poem based on the 'Take Notice' strand of the Five Ways to Wellbeing.)

Sunday, 19 February 2023

An English Spring

The first signs of spring
Council-planted crocuses
Or is it croci?

Friday, 17 February 2023

Shiny Happy People

When I feel down
If there's too much bad news
I put on the first album
by The B-52s.

Valentine's Poem for Hairdresser

Circles are round
Squares are er... square
Thank you so much
For cutting my hair