Monday, 26 August 2024


The alleyway behind the shop had suffered a flood
I was tiptoeing through water and dodging mud

Ten yards away or maybe less than that
Across the pathway shot a rat!

On the way home, before the next lot of rain
I could not believe my eyes, I saw a rat again!

So I've got a question and I'll keep it concise
Did I see two rats or the same rat twice?

Oh, they were so much bigger than mice
Did I see two rats or the same rat twice?

I only went to buy some basmati rice
Did I see two rats or the same rat twice?

Perhaps I'll have to ask Citizen's Advice
Did I see two rats or the same rat twice?

Wednesday, 15 May 2024


There's a mystery object in our town
It's causing quite a to-do
Even the experts are baffled
We've only got one clue...

It was handmade
A friend of a friend knew a man whose boss 
said he found it at a disused arcade

The owner of the crystal shop 
said that she was convinced 
that it must have belonged to a mermaid - and washed up on the promenade

It was handmade
Was it from a ritual for the people of the Everglades
Or something you 'd be wearing if invited to a masquerade?

A retired colonel told me 
that he thought it might be weapons grade
Someone was so terrified they hid behind a barricade

It was handmade
Is it a support for when you have a broken shoulder blade?
Although there is the possibility it was once used by a dairymaid

I remember something like it 
from when I used to go to church parade
(I don't tell everyone I meet but I was in the Boys Brigade)

It was handmade
If we find out what it is we'll have to organise a cavalcade
And if there's any money left we'll all have toast and marmalade!

Friday, 23 February 2024

Terrible Lizard

I was asked to think about big predators
Things like sharks and alligators
But then I turned to dinosaurs
And top of all the carnivores
Without doubt - the tyrannosaurs

Then a thought popped into my head
Which probably should remain unsaid...

How did the T-Rex
Manage to have sex?

Did these residents of Jurassic Park
Wait until it had got dark?

And should we consider the features 
of the mating rituals of these creatures?

I can't see the T-Rex 
Going in for nibbling necks
So did they find the charms 
Of each other's tiny arms?
(Surely they'd get in a muddle 
going in for a cuddle)

At 40 feet long and eight tons in weight
How on earth did they mate?
Which position
Would have brought their efforts to fruition?

There are enough fossils to show,
They must have given it a good go

What was the question again?
I've lost my thread.
Oh yes, predators - alive or dead

Number one - tyrannosaur 
then underneath...
Great white shark
Because of the teeth

Friday, 9 February 2024

The End of the Pier

That place over there
Socks are required
They don't mind about age
Or the wealth you've acquired
Whether you're young
Or if you're retired
There's only one rule
And that's socks are required

There's no outlawed design
They can be thick or thin
As for the length
Where to begin?
Just cover your ankles
Or halfway up the shin
But you can't be barefooted
If you want to get in

And now you are there
Are you feeling inspired?
Was it something you hoped for?
All you desired?
You might never know
That I stopped and enquired
I'm just glad you remembered
Socks are required

Monday, 22 January 2024

The Story So Far

Early excitement
Small squad proves predictable
'Beamish Line' beckons

(Haiku about Swindon Town in the 2023/24 season)

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Breakfast of Champions

Cornflakes or some porridge oats
A pot of tea, a slice of toast
It's the meal that matters most
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Continental choice from your hotel
Cold meat, cheese and fruit as well
I'll slip a pastry in my pocket then I'll say farewell
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Blend fruit and veg for a thick green drink
It keeps me fit and it helps me think
(Although I do pour most of it down the sink)
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

A fry up - king of all cuisines
Sausage, egg, bacon, beans
You get them at all good canteens
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

I woke from a dream within a dream
To a cup of coffee and a Krispy Kreme
It's stops me running out of steam
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Left over takeaway might be nice
Half a curry or a pizza slice
Remind me - what's the rule on reheating rice?
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Nothing for me thanks - I'm trying to lose weight
Perhaps a quick vape if I'm running late
Ooh - a cling-filmed cake on a paper plate!
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Poem for Guy

I buy vinyl records and know a lot about wine
I'm quite high up in graphic design
I last missed Glasto in 2009
I'm a soulful kind of guy

I don't mind saying hello to strangers
I've been to the football at Queens Park Rangers
I go skiing but respect the dangers
I'm a thoughtful kind of guy

I've got a tattoo up half my arm
I took my niece to a city farm
I saw a man punch a goose so I raised the alarm
I'm a helpful kind of guy

I sometimes have my lunch alfresco
I donate money to UNESCO
I bought some kale but I left it in Tesco
I'm a fashionable kind of guy

Sadly, not much of that is true
Those are some things I'd like to do
I'm just not as brave as you
I'm a fretful kind of guy

But I no longer want to hide
I just need someone by my side
Are you the one who'll be my guide?
I'm a hopeful kind of guy