Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Breakfast of Champions

Cornflakes or some porridge oats
A pot of tea, a slice of toast
It's the meal that matters most
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Continental choice from your hotel
Cold meat, cheese and fruit as well
I'll slip a pastry in my pocket then I'll say farewell
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Blend fruit and veg for a thick green drink
It keeps me fit and it helps me think
(Although I do pour most of it down the sink)
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

A fry up - king of all cuisines
Sausage, egg, bacon, beans
You get them at all good canteens
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

I woke from a dream within a dream
To a cup of coffee and a Krispy Kreme
It's stops me running out of steam
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Left over takeaway might be nice
Half a curry or a pizza slice
Remind me - what's the rule on reheating rice?
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Nothing for me thanks - I'm trying to lose weight
Perhaps a quick vape if I'm running late
Ooh - a cling-filmed cake on a paper plate!
It's my breakfast
I'm a champion.

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Poem for Guy

I buy vinyl records and know a lot about wine
I'm quite high up in graphic design
I last missed Glasto in 2009
I'm a soulful kind of guy

I don't mind saying hello to strangers
I've been to the football at Queens Park Rangers
I go skiing but respect the dangers
I'm a thoughtful kind of guy

I've got a tattoo up half my arm
I took my niece to a city farm
I saw a man punch a goose so I raised the alarm
I'm a helpful kind of guy

I sometimes have my lunch alfresco
I donate money to UNESCO
I bought some kale but I left it in Tesco
I'm a fashionable kind of guy

Sadly, not much of that is true
Those are some things I'd like to do
I'm just not as brave as you
I'm a fretful kind of guy

But I no longer want to hide
I just need someone by my side
Are you the one who'll be my guide?
I'm a hopeful kind of guy

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Remembering That Time (An answer song)

(An answer to Regina Spektor's song That Time. You should really listen to it.)

Whatever did you do with that human tooth you found down on Delancey?
I won't forget the time we kissed anywhere except the mouth
I thought your favourite colours were always pink and green
I remember your fad of only eating tangerines
What were you thinking?

I remember the time you'd only read Shakespeare. Even Titus Andronicus.
And that time you only read the backs of cereal boxes. Just what is riboflavin?
I try to forget about you and that pigeon with the broken wing
It seemed the whole block was watching as you buried bits of it in that children's playground
We had to leave the next week
I can't believe you weren't sick

I remember something about you wanting to stand for parliament
I thought there was a time when you only wanted to live in Marlborough
Wasn't there a time when you had an obsession with camels?
I remember when you were broke and bummed off our friends
You were broke a lot back then
We lost quite a few of our friends

I don't remember the time when I OD'ed
I don't wanna remember the time I OD'ed for the second time
I heard you shouting from the waiting room
I didn't know you thought you could read my mind
Is that why you got clean?
Is that why you left me? 

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Thank You for the Roses

'Slow down' they say
'Take time out,
Stop and smell the roses'

But it seems to me 
that only works
for people with functioning noses

Saturday, 29 July 2023

If at First

I entered the Japanese Cheese Contest
And was thrilled to finish third
I might have done even better
If I'd been gentler with the curd.

I thought my massive marrow
Would win the 'Biggest Vegetable' prize
But some of the other entries
Were four, five or six times the size.

Then at the Marmalade Festival
The judges tried to be kind
But I knew as well as they did
Something was wrong with the rind.

I trained my shetland sheepdog
to win the agility class
I thought we were going to do it
Until I slipped and fell on my face

It was at the Spoken Word gala
When my poem won the cup!
(Can we keep it our little secret
That nobody else turned up?)

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Birthday poem for someone called Neil

Happy birthday Neil
Do you like the colour teal?
You’d look good in it I feel 
On your birthday

What presents do you have Neil?
A carbon fibre wheel?
Perhaps a glockenspiel
For your birthday

What have you got planned Neil?
Going for a meal?
I hope the gravy won’t congeal
On your birthday

Perhaps you’ve gone away Neil
To Kent, maybe to Deal
Or further south, to Lille
For your birthday

Or a cosy day at home Neil
You could watch 'Ally McBeal'
Or the old 'Sapphire and Steel'
On your birthday

I think that’s enough Neil
I expect you’re tired of all this guff Neil
You just do your stuff Neil
It’s your birthday!

Monday, 3 July 2023

This is not The Treachery of Images

This is not a pipe
This is not a drill
This is not a love song
This is not America
This is not a VAT receipt
This is not happening
This is not what I expected

This is the day
This is pop.

(Found poem with painting titles, song titles and other things starting with 'this is not' and 'this is'. If I stumble across any more they'll be added in.)

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Part Company

It would be nice to make a dignified exit
No kicking, no screaming
No praying, no pleading
We can't be together and so
Say a few words then I'll go

It would be nice to make a dignified exit
Don't feel diminished
Because it has finished
My heart
Knows it's the right time to depart

It would be nice to make a dignified exit
Don't feel bereft
About the fact I have left
Try to smile
You won't notice I've gone in a while

It would be nice to make a dignified exit
I shouldn't be grieving
when it's me that is leaving
but I know
it's the right time to let go.

Monday, 24 April 2023

Reward & Revelation

I don't think I have the nerve
To say I've got what I deserve
This answer might be deemed a fudge
But I don't think it's for me to judge


I can't be described as 'go-getting'
So I've not been one for goal setting
In fact I probably should confess
I want to help other people to their success
Hold on a minute, bless my soul!
Looks like I made myself a goal.


(Two poems written from Write Club homework topic of Goal Setting and "Do you have all that you deserve?')

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

This is the Day

Today the colours seem more clear
than they usually are round here.
The lime green shade of ivy leaves,
emerald tones deep in the trees.
Hawthorn berries, glowing red
while pure white snowdrops raise their head.

Today I realised I heard
songs of many different birds
A collared dove calls out its name
I hear a chiffchaff do the same,
the 'electronics' of the starling
a blackbird's voice, so clear and sparkling.

Today I opened up my eyes
and saw cotton wool cumulus floating by,
cirrus streaks on azure blue,
contrails of aircraft passing through.
I don't know what broke the spell.
Today I noticed I feel well.

(Poem based on the 'Take Notice' strand of the Five Ways to Wellbeing.)

Sunday, 19 February 2023

An English Spring

The first signs of spring
Council-planted crocuses
Or is it croci?

Friday, 17 February 2023

Shiny Happy People

When I feel down
If there's too much bad news
I put on the first album
by The B-52s.

Valentine's Poem for Hairdresser

Circles are round
Squares are er... square
Thank you so much
For cutting my hair

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

The Grandfather Clock

The grandfather clock struck 5pm and what happened next was... unexpected.

Nothing happened. The door to the drawing room didn't open. The famous German detective did not walk in, take centre stage, sum up the case and name the murderer of the Duchess of Northwich.

The Duke and his guests continued to wait patiently but after a couple of minutes the nervous coughs and fidgeting started. The first person to speak was the sleuth's friend and confidante Henry Bromyard who said: "Well this is most out of character. I've known him 15 years and he hasn't been late for anything."

At five past five the exasperated Duke shouted: "Where is the awful man?" His next outburst was directed at the butler. "Channon, find him and bring him here at once. I will not be kept waiting in my own house." The butler bowed and left the room.

Ten minutes later the butler returned, alone. "Where is he then?" spluttered the master of the house.

"I have been unable to find Herr Bonhof your Lordship", replied the butler. "What do you mean, 'unable to find' him?" the increasingly-irritated Duke fired back.

"Sir, the gentleman appears to be missing."


(Write Club homework based on the phrase 'The grandfather clock struck 5pm and what happened next was')