Thursday, 3 November 2022

Perfect Day

(with apologies to Lou Reed)

Just a perfect day
Clear skies but not too hot
Or if it's winter time
Not too cold

Just a perfect day
Go walking with my wife
Somewhere in the countryside
We'll watch birds

Just a perfect day
See something historical
Followed by tea and cake
Second cup

Oh it's such a perfect day
There's so much that I'd like to do
Oh, such a perfect day
When nothing can go wrong
When nothing can go wrong

Just a perfect day
Spend time with my family
Laughter and jollity
With my friends

Just a perfect day
There will be sausages
Maybe in sandwiches
Or with mash

Just a perfect day
I'll need to watch some sport
Take in a live band too
Loud guitars

Oh it's such a perfect day
There's so much that I'd like to do
Oh, such a perfect day
When nothing can go wrong
When nothing can go wrong

And if there's time, read a good book
And if there's time, read a good book
And if there's time, read a good book
And if there's time, read a good book